Sunday, November 10, 2013

That's a Place to Start

I have this problem. I love reading, but I have a hard time picking out books for myself. I normally end up in the non fiction section looking at books on how to make more money, or reprogram my computer. You know, practical things, or at least books about whatever thing I was worried about that week.

I also have a little problem called life. I used to read a lot more when I was in school, lived with my parents, and didn't have to worry about much. Now that I have a full time job and I am the sole provider for a house of three, reading only happens when I am reading the instructions on the hamburger helper box.

Then I found a website called goodreads. I have a few Facebook friends on it and I found some interesting looking titles. However, it has been so long since I was an active reader that I have no idea what kind of books I like.

So, why not read everything?

I won a free copy (also off of goodreads) of Writer's of the Future vol. 29 edited by L. Ron Hubbard. I am pretty sure I liked science fiction at one point. I do have a Star Trek uniform hanging in my closest anyway. I think this will be a good reintroduction to my lost hobby.

Though my other hobby would be good to start again too. I used to write a lot. I was even in a club. (Way back before puberty.) I might as well write up what I thought about the book when I am done.

Look forward to my next post which will be my first ever book review! I promise I will try really hard not to give spoilers, but apparently I'm not very good at that. You can ask my movie buddies. They kinda hate me for it....

On to reading!

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